Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping Love Alive & your self Happy

              Love why is it so complicating, good but complicating. one day everything is good your all over each other and the next day everything can be the total opposite. Some men don't know but the simplest things can make us women happy. Ladies if you can't get your husband/boyfriend what ever he is to understand you, and you already tried telling them what u need done, and nothing come out of it some times you have to approach thing a different way. I think the best way to keep your relationship less complicated is to atleast 2 or 3 times a week cook a nice meal. If u really want things to get done cook a dessert like cake or cookies. Always bake don't buy it from the store; the effort pays off. Make sure by the end of the night you have sex and dont be scared to try new things this will make him extra HAPPY I promise. The next day everything will go your way he will make you feel so special. If u need a extra hand around the house he will be willing to help and if this doesn't work in you favor, mabe you need to go out to a bar with him. Dance loosen up just be sure to end the night right if u know what I mean!  

                                           Yours Truly, Nadjia xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. it has worked for me. and this can also go for men women love a home cooked meal. try it u might get lucky
