Tuesday, January 11, 2011


       Why is that it is so hard to lose weight no matter how much i try............ i tryed it all diet pills, eating healthy, working out, getting a membership at the gym and doing all that at the same time and i was still a little over weight.......... then i started going to school and i had to wake up early so i started eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack at night and i couldn't believe my eyes i was losing weight and i wasn't working out or anything. i was in bed by 10:30 and up by 6:30

*7:00 am breakfast

*12:30 pm lunch

*4:00 pm dinner

*7:00 pm snack

Try it it works just make sure u eat a little healthy and for u snack try fruit or if ur a chocolate freak dont over do it n dont eat 2 hours before bed......

                                                                                   Yours Truly, Nadjia

1 comment:

  1. make sure you only drink water and gatorade nothting else this might not work for all but try it
